Resource estimate details
In Contractor Essentials, resource estimate refers to an amount of hours/units/cost for a resource in a task. You can add or edit a resource estimate, and you can modify the estimate details.
In the estimate details, you can use a spread curve to distribute a resource's estimated effort throughout a task. Or you can forego a curve and enter estimates one by one. You can also apply a profit/fee rate to the estimate, which overrides the profit/fee rate at the task level, the proposal level, and in the indirect rate table.

Amount and curve
Use the Amount and Curve fields to control the distribution of resource hours/units/cost in a task.
Amount | Enter the resource's hours/units/cost amount to distribute it automatically with a spread curve. If you discretely enter estimates in months or years, this field is disabled. |
Curve | A spread curve is optional, but this field cannot be blank. Load: Spread the total amount in every month or year. (None): No spread curve. Estimates must be entered discretely. ...(System): System-defined curve in Contractor Essentials. The curve name reflects the curve shape (for example, 05/95 spreads 5% of the total amount at the start and 95% over the end). |
Start date, end date, and duration
Start Date & End Date | The spread period start date and end date are required. The default spread dates match the task's PoP. You can change the start date and end date, but the spread period must be within the task's PoP. |
Duration | The spread duration is calculated automatically according to the start date and end date. It is the number of months in the spread period. |
The Profit/Fee field lets you apply a profit/fee rate to the specific estimate you're working on. If a rate is already entered at the task level, proposal level, or indirect rate table level, it will appear in this field automatically. You can delete that rate and leave the field blank, or you can override it. The rate will turn blue after being overridden.
Months and years
The proposal's timescale affects the distribution of estimates. This example shows resource hours evenly spread in a monthly proposal.
And this example shows the same amount of resource hours evenly spread in an annual proposal.
For assistance with Contractor Essentials, please visit the Deltek Support Center