Proposal settings: Information

The Information tab helps you track your Contractor Essentials project on the Proposals page.

For ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise users who receive submitted proposals, these settings can help them keep their proposal list organized.

Manager The proposal manager's name is optional. It can contain up to 255 characters.
Status The proposal status is required. The default status is New, and it can be updated anytime.

This setting indicates the proposal's current standing in the estimating process.

Cancelled: Work on the proposal has permanently stopped. Users should not enter any more data.

Estimating: The proposal breakdown structure is established. Users are entering task and resource data.

New: The proposal is empty. Users can begin entering data.

On Hold: Work on the proposal has temporarily stopped. Users might resume entering data in the future.

Submitted: The proposal has been validated and submitted to ProPricer CE for pricing. Users should not enter any more data.

Number The proposal number is optional. It can contain up to 255 characters.
Customer RFQ The customer request for quotation is optional. It can contain up to 40 characters.
Business Unit The business unit is optional. It can contain up to 40 characters.
Target Price The estimated total contract price is optional. This information appears on your Home dashboard, and it can be useful in ProPricer CE when the proposal is submitted for pricing.
Report Text
Title Line 1 & Title Line 2 The title of reports is optional. It is printed at the top of all report pages. Each title line can contain up to 50 characters.

If the title will be the same for all your proposals, enter it in your system settings. It will appear in the settings of every proposal by default.

To put your company name in a title line, type [Company Name] as a variable. To put the name of the report being run, type [Report Name].

Footer Text The footer of reports is optional. It is printed at the bottom of all report pages. It can contain up to 255 characters.

If the footer will be the same for all your proposals, enter it in your system settings. It will appear in the settings of every proposal by default.