
On the Proposals page, you'll find all the proposal management functions, a sortable list, and an activity feed for each proposal.

After creating a proposal, you can adapt it to different requirements. Do you need a field named Dept to further classify resources by department? Should the proposal breakdown structure be labeled CLIN instead of WBS? Does your SOW need images, tables, and intricate formatting? In Contractor Essentials, these kinds of modifications are possible through:

Proposal list

Selected proposals in the list are precisely indicated, so it's plain to see which proposal you're working on. Whether editing proposal settings, syncing data, copying and deleting proposals, or submitting a proposal, you will always be certain of your actions.

To keep your proposal list organized, you can use different save locations for your proposals. The list shows where each proposal is saved in the Location column.

Try grouping proposals to categorize them in the proposal list. Then you can right-click and select Expand All or Collapse All.