Add a travel rate table

  1. In the navigation menu, click Rate Tables Travel Rates.
  2. On the Travel Rates page, click Add Travel Rate Table.
  3. Enter a name for the table.
  4. Enter a description of the table. (Optional)
  5. Select a timescale. This determines if the rates will be annual or monthly. You cannot change the timescale after entering rates.
  6. Select a default resource for travel destinations. In the table, you can choose a different resource for any destination, if needed.
    • Every destination must have a resource. The resource's indirect rates will be applied to the destination's travel expenses.
  7. Configure the settings for rental car rates.
    • Enable Weekly Rental Car Rate and Enable Monthly Rental Car Rate: Select one or both of these options to enter rates for cars that will be rented for weeks or months at a time. You can change the number of days in a rental week or month with the Days per Week and Days per Month settings.
    • Enable Multi Rental Car Quantity: This option becomes available when weekly or monthly rental car rates are enabled. If selected, proposals that use the travel rate table will let you enter daily, weekly, and monthly rental car quantities for trips.
  8. Click Create. The new table will be listed on the Travel Rates page.
  9. Add destinations and their travel expense rates to your new table.