Trip costs

Go to the Trip Costs section of a travel estimate's details to change the data that produces the cost of each travel expense. The sum of the expenses determines the cost per trip.

People The number of people taking the trip.
Days The number of days in the trip.
Trips The number of times the trip will occur in the task.
Trip Cost The cost of one trip.
Total Trip Cost The cost of all trip occurrences in the task.
Profit/Fee The profit/fee rate of the trip. One rate can be applied to the trip’s total cost, or different rates can be applied to each travel expense.
Quantity The travel expense quantity (for example, number of plane tickets, hotel nights, etc.). Each expense has a formula that calculates its quantity. The Miscellaneous quantity formula can be changed in the Configuration proposal settings. The quantity formulas of all other expenses cannot be changed.
Rate The travel expense rate. The proposal’s travel rate table provides the initial rate, but it can be changed.
Cost The cost of the travel expense.

Travel expenses

The total cost of a trip is determined by its travel expenses: Airfare, Per Diem, Rental Car, Mileage, Hotel, and Miscellaneous. You can find the quantity, rate, and cost of each expense in a trip's travel estimate details. The quantities and rates are provided by your proposal's travel rate table, but you can change them for any expense. If you do, Contractor Essentials will recalculate the expense's cost.

By default, the resource assigned to a trip is automatically assigned to all the trip's expenses. If a different resource should be assigned to an expense, you can make that change while adding a trip or editing a trip. The assigned resource's indirect rates will generate the indirect costs of the travel expense.

Go to the Estimates proposal settings to adjust the Per Diem, Rental Car, and Miscellaneous travel expenses.

Rental cars

Due to the nature of renting vehicles, the Rental Car expense works differently than the other travel expenses. To accurately capture the cost of renting a car during a long trip, the Rental Car travel expense may be split into Daily Rental Car, Weekly Rental Car, and Monthly Rental Car.

  • Daily Rental Car rate: The rate per day for daily rentals.
  • Weekly Rental Car rate: The rate per day for weekly rentals. This is usually a discounted rate that is less than the Daily Rental Car rate.
  • Monthly Rental Car rate: The rate per day for monthly rentals. This is usually a discounted rate that is less than the Daily Rental Car and Weekly Rental Car rates.

The number of days in a rental car week and month is set in the travel rate table that your proposal is using. When the days in a trip exceed the days in a rental car week or month, the Rental Car cost is calculated with the Weekly Rental Car rate or Monthly Rental Car rate, respectively.