Add a trip in a proposal

You can add a trip to any proposal breakdown structure (PBS) element where estimates are allowed. To Quick Add several new trips throughout the PBS simultaneously, see Quick Add Trips.

  1. On the Estimates page, select a PBS element. If it has trips already, they will appear in the estimates grid to the right.
  2. Above the grid, click Add Add Trip.
  3. Under Properties, enter a unique trip name.
  4. Select a destination from the travel rate table.
  5. Select the resource that is associated with the destination. The resource's indirect rates will be applied to the destination's travel expenses.
  6. Select an indirect pool for the resource. (Optional)
  7. Enter values in any library resource fields and custom resource fields.
  8. Under Travel Expenses, change the resource, indirect pool, or resource field values for individual expenses. (Optional)
  9. Click Create. When the trip appears in the grid, you can enter its estimates.

Reuse a trip

  1. On the Estimates page, select a PBS element. Its trips will appear in the estimates grid to the right.
  2. Above the grid, click Add Add Trip.
  3. Click Use Existing.
  4. Select a trip from the same PBS element or a different one. Contractor Essentials will automatically enter the existing trip's information.
  5. Click Create. When the trip appears in the grid, you can enter its estimates.