Add indirect rates in a table

  1. In the navigation menu, click Rate Tables Indirect Rates.
  2. On the Indirect Rates page, select a table, then click Rates.
  3. In the table, above the grid, click Add Indirect Pool.
  4. Enter a name for the indirect pool.
  5. Enter a description of the indirect pool. (Optional)
  6. Click Create. The indirect pool will be available in the grid for all indirect elements.
  7. The indirect elements in the table come from the attached pricing model. Select an indirect element, then enter its annual or monthly rates in the indirect pools. Your work will save automatically when you move to another cell.
If your rates are already in Microsoft Excel, you can copy all of them from a spreadsheet and paste them in the grid.
To speed up data entry, right-click the grid and select Fill. Other grid functions are available as well.