Bid Cost Worksheet Report

The Bid Cost Worksheet Report itemizes your proposal's task cost information and shows the resource estimates that generate each cost subtotal. Use the report parameters to modify the report content. For instance, you can:

  • Include the statement of work (SOW) and basis of estimate (BOE) that have been added to tasks and proposal breakdown structure (PBS) elements.
  • Group and summarize tasks and resources in a variety ways.
  • Control the cost information that the report provides.
  • Show estimated resource hours as equivalent heads.

Open this report from the Proposals page or Estimates page by clicking More Actions Reports Bid Cost Worksheet.

Most reports let you export a proposal's full pricing data to Excel. To do this, go to the report toolbar and click Export Full Pricing. You can also immediately download any report as a Word document by clicking Export to Word on the toolbar.
If your proposal has resources that are no longer in the direct rate table, the rate table names and resource names will be red in the report. The resource names will also have an asterisk at the end to differentiate them from valid resources. This can help you find invalid resources in a proposal by searching the report text for asterisks.