Quick Add resources

Use Quick Add to add multiple resources to your proposal at once. Alternatively, you can add resources to PBS elements one by one, but you'll save more time with Quick Add.

  1. On the Estimates page, select a PBS element. If it has existing resources already, they will appear in the estimates grid to the right.
  2. Above the grid, click AddQuick AddResources.
  3. Enter each resource's information in a separate row.
    • An asterisk in a column name means that the information is required.
    • If you're unsure what to enter, see the following table to learn more.
  4. Click Create Resources.
WBS* Select the PBS element that the resource will be added to.
Name* Enter a unique name for the resource. If you use the Resource Alias Naming feature in your system settings, you can select it instead of typing a name.

Select a resource from the proposal's direct rate table.

Indirect Pool Select an indirect pool for the resource from the proposal's indirect rate table.
Accounting Calendar Select an accounting calendar for the resource. This will override the proposal’s accounting calendar and its default accounting hours per month.
Resource Fields Any custom resource fields in your proposal appear as separate columns. Use them to enter additional information about the resource.
Delete To remove rows of information, select the rows, then click Delete.
Click the Download Excel Template button to get an empty spreadsheet with the same Quick Add columns. Once you've filled the template in, you can paste everything from there in the Quick Add window.