Proposal settings: Pricing

The Pricing tab has settings that are a critical part of any proposal. Without the data in a properly set up pricing model, indirect rate table, and direct rate table, no estimating can begin.

Unlike the proposal's rate tables, global custom resource fields and pricing details are optional. However, they are still important because of their potential impact on pricing. You should not skip these settings when your pricing model formula uses "If" statements that are based on a custom resource field or a pricing detail, such as the contract type.

If rate tables, library custom resource fields, or accounting calendars get updated after you've started estimating, sync your proposal with your global data to retrieve the most recent information.
Library Custom Resource Fields Custom resource fields from the library are optional. Unlike proposal-specific resource fields, these fields are global and can be used in all proposals.

A pricing model can have conditions that change the calculation of costs based on the value entered in a library custom resource field. If this is the case in your pricing model formula, be sure to select the relevant custom resource fields here.

Rate Tables
Direct Rate Table The direct rate table provides the resources you add to tasks, as well as the resources' direct rates. It also determines which indirect rate table and pricing model your proposal will use.
Indirect Table This setting shows the indirect rate table assigned to the selected direct rate table.

The indirect rate table provides the indirect pools that you assign to resources. Each pool has a set of rates for the indirect expenses that come along with a resource. These indirect rates are used to calculate the resources' indirect costs.

Pricing Model This setting shows the pricing model assigned to the indirect rate table. It provides the elements in the indirect rate table, and it determines the calculation of all resource costs.
Travel Rate Table The travel rate table provides expense rates for the trips you add to tasks. It also specifies the number of days in a rental car week and a rental car month.
Contract Type The contract type is optional. After submitting the proposal, ProPricer CE uses this information in government reports to determine the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) range for the contract's risk.
Profit/Fee The proposal-level profit/fee rate is optional. If it's needed, enter the rate in decimal format.

This setting overrides the default profit/fee rates provided by the proposal’s indirect rate table. The overriding rate applies to all estimates in the proposal.

Profit/Fee rates can also be overridden for specific tasks and estimates. Those rates take precedence over the proposal-level profit/fee rate.

Fee Base The fee base is optional. It affects how the profit/fee is calculated.

Select Cost to base the profit/fee on the proposal’s production cost. Select Sell to base the profit/fee on the selling price.