Rate tables
To be functional, all proposals must have a pricing model, an indirect rate table, and a direct rate table. They provide required resource and rate information, and they determine the calculation of your proposal costs.
Proposals can also use a travel rate table when trips are needed. Otherwise, proposals aren't required to have one.
Pricing models, indirect rate tables, and direct rate tables work together and rely on each others' data. If you're setting them up for the first time, you must do so in this order:
- Always start with a pricing model. Create it, add elements, set the total definitions, and ensure the pricing formula is error-free.
- Create an indirect rate table. This requires a complete pricing model.
- Create a direct rate table. This requires a complete indirect rate table.
Global vs. proposal rate tables
Every indirect rate table, direct rate table, and travel rate table you create in ProPricer Contractor Essentials is global. This means a single rate table can be used in multiple proposals.
After selecting a rate table in the Pricing proposal settings, a unique copy of the table is made for the proposal. To open a proposal's rate tables, select it on the Proposals page, then click the Direct, Indirect, or Travel button.
Changing data in the proposal rate table has no effect on the global table or the other proposals that use it.
Escalation sets
Direct rate tables and travel rate tables let you create escalation sets that automatically increase or decrease rates in a given time frame.
If the rate of a resource or travel expense will go through a series of changes, you can account for everything with multiple escalation sets.
To learn how to set up direct rates and travel rates with escalation sets, see Add Direct Rates in a Table and Add Travel Rates in a Table.
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